Future Ancestral Technologies: Uŋziwoslal Wašičuta, 2021–2024
Repurposed industrial felt, telescoping aluminum poles, caution tape, tulle, spray paint, ribbon, fiberglass rods, paracord
Site-specific installation
Photo: Brendan George Ko
Born in 1979 on the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, Cannupa Hanska Luger is an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation and is of Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, Lakota, and European descent. In 2011, he received a BFA in Studio Ceramics from the Institute of American Indian Arts.
Through monumental installations, Luger interweaves performance and political action to communicate stories about 21st century Indigeneity. Inspired by images of women holding mirrors up to riot police in Ukraine, Luger created a brief instructional video for The Mirror Shield Project (2016), inviting the public to create and send mirrored shields to the Water Protectors along the Dakota Access Pipeline—trading hundreds of supporters’ ephemeral “likes” and “shares” on social media for tangible and transformative contributions. The artist used a similar instructional video in The MMIWQT Bead Project (2018), prompting diverse communities across the U.S. and Canada to shape and send over 4,000 individual handmade clay beads, which he then assembled into the 15 by 15 foot sculptural installation Every One. With the cooperation of thousands, the project re-humanized the abstract data gathered by the Native Women’s Association of Canada, each bead standing in for one of the missing or murdered Indigenous women, girls, queer and trans community members.
Luger has received numerous awards such as the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts Multicultural Fellowship Award, 2015; the Native Arts & Cultures Foundation National Artist Fellowship Award, 2016; the Museum of Arts and Design Burke Prize, 2018; the Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant, 2019; the Creative Capital Award, 2020; a Guggenheim Fellowship, 2022; and the Open Society Foundations Soros Arts Fellowship, 2023. He has been the subject of more than 30 solo exhibitions and has participated in over 160 group exhibitions at venues such as Art Mûr (2014, Montreal), Princeton University Art Museum (2018), Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art (2018, 2019, Bentonville), Gardiner Museum (2019, Toronto), Orenda Gallery (2017, Paris), the Autry Museum (2017, Los Angeles), the Museum of Arts and Design (2018, 2019, New York), the Heard Museum (2021, Phoenix), SITE Santa Fe (2021), the Museum of Modern Art (2021), the Metropolitan Museum of Art (2022, 2023), the National Gallery of Art (2023, 2024), and the Whitney Museum of American Art (2024) among others.
His works are featured in the collections of many museums, including: the North America Native Museum (Zürich, Switzerland); the Denver Art Museum; the Detroit Institute of Arts; the Des Moines Art Center; the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA); the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (Santa Fe); the Nevada Museum of Art; the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art (Norman, OK); Forge Projects (New York); the Luciano Benetton Collection: Imago Mundi (Treviso, Italy); the Phoenix Art Museum; the Yale University Art Gallery (New Haven); and the Conley Gallery, California State University (Fresno).
Lives and works in Glorieta, New Mexico
Born: Standing Rock Reservation, North Dakota
Institute of American Indian Arts
Chimera, Roxanne Swentzell Tower Gallery, Pojoque, New Mexico, June 30–July 30
I Love You to Death, Eggman and Walrus Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 19–September 1
(NO)Stalgia, Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 8–24
Stereotype: Misconceptions of the Native American, Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 15–December 31
Eat, Prey, Love, Blue Rain Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona, February 20–March 2
Nations, 25th Annual Bioneers Conference, San Rafael, California, October 17–19
Cycle, Rasmusson Artist in Residence, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Reliquary, Duhesa Gallery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, June 1–24
Everything Anywhere, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 1–September 11
Every line is a song, Each shape is a story, National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Atlanta, Georiga
Old Dominion, M Street Gallery, Fresno State University, California, March 27–April 7
Contingent Beings, Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, New Mexico, May 5–28
Double Negative, Ingham Chapman Gallery, University of New Mexico, Gallup, New Mexico, October 2–November 6
Lazy Stitch, Ent Center for Contemporary Art, Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 3–July 21
Life is Breathtaking, Travois, Kansas City, Missouri, June 1
Future Ancestral Technologies, John A. Day Gallery, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, August 17–October 12
Ar-ti-fact, Museum of Natural and Cultural History, Eugene Oregon
A Frayed Knot, c3:Initiative Contemporary Art Space, Portland, Oregon, September 5–October 18
Future Ancestral Technologies: nágshibi, Emerson Contemporary, Boston, Massachusetts, October 17–December 15
Cannupa Hanska Luger: Every One, Gardiner Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 30, 2019–January 12, 2020
Cannupa Hanska Luger: Passage, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum, Mesa Arts Center, Mesa, Arizona, May 14–August 8
Cannupa Hanska Luger: New Myth, Garth Greenan Gallery, New York, September 10–October 23
Future Ancestral Technologies: Unziwoslal wašicuta, Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 12, 2021–July 1, 2022
Rounds: Cannupa Hanska Luger, Picker Art Galllery, Colgate College, Hamilton, New York, February 10–June 26
Mihápmak, Center for Craft, Asheville, North Carolina, August 29–December 16
Cannupa Hanska Luger: Reunion, Amarillo Museum of Art, Amarillo, Texas, September 17–December 31
Cannupa Hanska Luger: Hostile Territory, Garth Greenan Gallery, New York, January 19–February 25
Cannupa Hanska Luger: Sé’sh Shóto’sh Psí’sh, Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz, California, May 12–September 3
Cannupa Hanska Luger: You're Welcome, University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 22, 2023–February 18, 2024
Speechless, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, October 7, 2023–June 2, 2024
Doll: An Intimate Figure, Roxanne Swentzell Tower Gallery, Pojoaque, New Mexico, November 26, 2011–January 2012
Birdland, Eggman and Walrus Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 6–May 20
Frank Buffalo Hyde: Ladies and Gentlemen, This is the Buffalo Show, Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 14–July 31
In Microscale, Metallo Gallery, Madrid, New Mexico, April 28–May 31
Ferus, Eggman and Walrus Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 1–July 14
Market Value, GF Contemporary, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July
Zombie Skins, Ahalenia Studios, Santa Fe, August 15–19
Low-Rez: Native American Lowbrow Art, Eggman and Walrus Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 17–September 1
Collective Collected, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 16, 2012–January 8, 2013
Make it POP, All My Relations Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 15–May 4
Emerging Artist Exhibition, Blue Rain Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Cross Currents, Center for Visual Art, Metropolitan State University, Denver, Colorado, November 22, 2013–February 8, 2014
Gray, Matters, Visual Arts Gallery, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 27–April 3
Storytelling, Art Mur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 3–June 22
Annual Celebration of Contemporary Native American Art, Blue Rain Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 20–24
Economologies, Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 19–September 14
This is a Stereotype Premiere, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 23–24
Deconstructing Coyote, GF Contemporary, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 21–December 19
Native Art Now, North American Native Museum, Zurich, Switzerland, November 8, 2014–September 6, 2015
CO:LAB | Artists in Collaboration, Studio Central, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 6
Remembering Mandela, El Museo Cultural, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 7–21
Axle Contemporary’s Fifth Anniversary, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 13–March 21
Annual Celebration of Contemporary Native American Art, Blue Rain Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona, August 19–23
Currents, El Museo Cultural, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 12–28
Put A Feather On It!, Red Dot Gallery, Santa Fe, August 14–September 24
The Games We Play, Roxanne Swentzell Tower Gallery, Pojoaque, New Mexico, August 20–October 31
Imago Mundi: Native Art Visual Visions, La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy, September 1–November
SOFA Chicago, Blue Rain Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, November 5–November 8
Anomaly, Native Art Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
You Are On Indian Land, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, November 21, 2015–February 15, 2016
Render Bender, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 6
Made in the Desert, form & concept gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 27–August 22
The House of Eternal Return, Meow Wolf Art Complex, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 1–August 31
Race and Revolution: Exploring Human Injustices Through Art, Governer’s Island, New York, August 3–September 25
Race and Revolution: Exploring Human Injustices through Art, University of Connecticut-Stamford, Stamford, Connecticut, October 13–November 11SOFA Chicago, Blue Rain Gallery, Chicago, November 3–6
SOFA Chicago, Blue Rain Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, November 3–6
Annual Celebration of Contemporary Native Art, Blue Rain Gallery, Santa Fe
Hands Off My Heritage, Duhesa Gallery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Native Art Speaks, Get the Message, Blue Rain Gallery, Los Angeles
On Fertile Ground, All My Relations Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 4, 2016–January 20, 2017
Map(ing): Multiple Artists Printing, Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, Arizona, December 17–May 20
Crafting Resistance, Visual Arts Center, Boise State University, Indiana, January 26–March 28
Andy Warhol: Minnesota Goes Pop, Rochester Art Center, Rochester, Minnesota, February 4–May 14
Resistance After Nature, Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery, Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania, March 17–April 28
We See Heaven Upside Down, Sensoria Art and Literature Festival, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 31–April 9
My Country Tis of Thy People You’re Dying, Radiator Gallery, New York, March 31–May 26
Not the End, New York Artists Equity Association Gallery, New York, April 7–May 6
Songs from the Extraction Zones, Santa Fe Art Institute, New Mexico, April 28–May 5
Young New Yorkers Silent Auction, Young New Yorkers, New York, May 10
The Art of Indigenous Resistance, Self Help Graphics and Art, Los Angeles, May 13–June 10
Louder than Words: Indigenous American Art and Activism, Idyllwild Arts, Idyllwild, California, June 26–July 8
Winter Count: We Are in Crisis, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C., June 28–August 4
Water Line: A Creative Exchange, Center for Visual Art, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado, August 4–October 21
48 Hours Land Trust, REDLINE Contemporary Art Center, Denver, Colorado, August 11–27
R.I.S.E.: Nothing is Natural (Part of Converge 45), Reed College, Portland, Oregon, August 11–October 1
We the People, Minnesota Museum of American Art, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 17–November 12
Broken Boxes, form & concept Gallery, Santa Fe,New Mexico, August 18–October 21
Neo Native: Toward New Mythologies, Maloof Foundation, Rancho Cucamonga, California, November 1–4
Keepers of the Earth, Orenda Gallery, Paris
L.A. Art Show, Blue Rain Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Working Proof IV: Map(ping), Step Gallery, Phoenix, Arizona
Standing Rock: Art and Solidarity, Autry Museum, Los Angeles, California, May 20, 2017–February 18, 2018
Connective Tissue: New Approaches to Fiber in Contemporary Native Art, Museum of Contemporary Native Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 18–January 21
Hold These Truths, Nathan Cummings Foundation, New York, November 13, 2017–March 14, 2018
Monarchs: Native and Brown Contemporary Artists in the Path of the Butterfly, Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, Nebraska, December 7, 2017–February 24, 2018; Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami, May 24–August 5, 2018; Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas, October 4, 2018–January 6, 2019; Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, Kansas, March 7–June 2, 2019
Tonto, Teepees & Totem Poles: Considering Native American Stereotypes in the 21st Century, Iroquois Indian Museum, Howes Cave, New York, April 5–November 30
Exquisite Corpse Spectacular, SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 14
Declaration!, Institute for Contemporary Art, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, April 21–September 9
Post-Colonial Frames/Landing Americas, B Side War Gallery, Treviso, Italy, May 13–July 8
The Condor and The Eagle, Elizabeth Jones Art Center, Portland, Oregon, July 28–August 23
Humble, Bronx Art Space, New York, September 1–October 13
Wilderness Acts Biennial, Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 2–23
HypheNative, Salisbury University Art Galleries, Salisbury, Maryland, September 7–November 10
Festival America: ReZistance is Existence, Artedomus Gallery, Paris, France, September 11–23
Coherence/Interference, PASEO Project, Taos, New Mexico, September 15
A Loud Silence: Expressions of Activism, Sordoni Art Gallery, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, October 23–December 16
Great and North: Imago Mundi, Onsite Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 24–December 16
Without Borders: Art Sin Fronteras, El Pueblo History Museum, Pueblo, Colorado, September 20, 2018–March 1, 2019
The Future of Craft, Part 2, Museum of Arts and Design, New York, October 3, 2018–March 17, 2019
Nature’s Nation: American Art and Environment, Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey, October 13, 2018–January 6, 2019; Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts, February 2–May 5, 2019
Post Plymouth, Exhibit C Gallery, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November 4, 2018–February 28, 2019
Art for a New Understanding: Native Voices, 1950s to Now, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, October 6, 2018–January 7, 2019; Museum of Contemporary Native Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 25–July 19, 2019; Nasher Museum at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, August 29, 2019–January 12, 2020
Dementia Americana, LUX Center for the Arts, Lincoln, Nebraska, February 1–March 31
Beyond Standing Rock, Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 23–December 1
The Young Americans, Rainmaker Gallery, Bristol, United Kingdom, March 21–June 15
VOICES, New York University, New York, March 24–September 10
Crossing Mnisose, Portland Center Stage at the Armory, Portland, Oregon, April 13–May 5
We See Heaven Upside Down, Elder Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina, May 3–June 15
We Rise, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, Los Angeles, California, May 18–27
Nature’s Nation: American Art and Environment, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, May 25–September 9
I Come to This Place, Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, New York, June 15–July 28
The Watchers, The 8th Floor, New York, July 11–October 12
No Cure for Mourning, Stockton University, Galloway, New Jersey, September 4–November 12
Utopian Imagination, Ford Foundation Gallery, New York, September 17–December 7
Species in Peril Along the Rio Grande, 516 ARTS Museum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 28–December 28
The Worth of Water, Davis Gallery at Houghton House, Geneva, New York
Survivance and Sovereignty on Turtle Island: Engaging with Contemporary Native American Art, Kupferberg Holocaust Center, New York, August 27, 2019–May 21, 2020
Place, Nations, Generations, Beings: 200 Years of Indigenous North American Art, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, November 1, 2019–February 28, 2021
Sweet Land, The Industry, Los Angeles, California, February 29–March 15
The Unknown Artist, Center for Contemporary Art & Culture, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, Oregon, March 5–April 18
WE LIVE! Memories of Resistance, Oxy Arts, Occidental College, Los Angeles, September 14–November 29, 2020
do it (home): Part Two, digital project curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist
The Body, The Object, The Other, Craft Contemporary, Los Angeles, California, January 25, 2020–January 10, 2021
Larger Than Memory: Contemporary Art from Indigenous North America, Heard Museum, Phoenix, Arizona, September 4, 2020–January 3, 2021
Displaced, SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 11, 2020–January 24, 2021
High Visibility: On Location in Rural America and Indian Country, Plains Art Museum, Fargo, North Dakota, November 23, 2020–May 30, 2021
Desire Paths, Center for Craft, Asheville, North Carolina, February 5–May 28
Cousin Collective Presents Cycle, Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 27–April 1
Ritual For A Living Future, Living Future21 Conference (virtual), April 20–April 23
Passage, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum, Mesa, Arizona, May 14–August 8
Mirror | Mirror. Reflect Yourself!, KUNSTHAL KAdE, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, June 5–August 29
Reclamation: Recovering Our Relationship with Place, Gregory Allicar Museum of Art, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, July 7–September 19
A Shared Body, Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, August 23–December 11
This We Have Now, Art Lab, Fort Collins, Colorado, September 1–25
STTLMNT IS NOT HERE, Trinity Square Video, Toronto, Ontario, October 8–November 13
To Hold the Land, Furlong Gallery, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin, November 18–December 18
Form and Relation: Contemporary Native Ceramics, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, January 6, 2021–January 2, 2022
Each/Other: Marie Watt and Cannupa Hanska Luger, Denver Art Museum, May 23–August 22, 2021; Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, September 25–December 12, 2021; Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts, January 29–May 8, 2022
Land Art: Expanding the Atlas, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, June 26, 2021–January 2, 2022
Undoing Time: Art and Histories of Incarceration, Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, Arizona, September 10, 2021–February 12, 2022; Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive, University of California, September 3–December 18, 2022
Environmental Injustice – Indigenous Peoples’ Alternatives, Musée d’ethnographie de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, September 24, 2021–August 21, 2022
Arrivals, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, New York, October 3, 2021–January 23, 2022
And I Must Scream: The Monstrous Expression of our Global Crises, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, January 29–May 15
Outcropping: Indigenous Art Now, Southampton Art Center, Southampton, New York, February 4–April 10
Somewhere In Advance of Nowhere: Freedom Dreams in Contemporary Art, Samuel Dorskey Museum of Art, SUNY New Paltz, New York, February 5–April 10
Manif d’art 10 - La Biennale de Quebec, Heron-Wendat Museum and Public Land, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, February 19–April 24
Belonging: The 2022 National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts Annual, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California, February 20–May 8
Articulating Activism: Works from the Shelley and Donald Rubin Private Collection, The 8th Floor, New York, March 3–June 18
Who Writes History?, ArtsWestchester Gallery, White Plains, New York, April 23–July 3
Water Scarcity: Perpetual Thirst, Wave Hill, Bronx, New York, May 21–August 28
MYR, McEvoy Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco, California, May 27–August 27
I am land that speaks, ArtworxTO Hub SOUTH Union Station, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 6–October 2
GATHER: Cannupa Hanska Luger + Marie Watt, Stelo Arts and Culture Foundation, Portland, Oregon, August 13–November 27
Undoing Time: Art and Histories of Incarceration, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, University of California, Berkeley, California, September 3–December 18
Unmasking Masculinity for the 21st Century, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo, Michigan, September 24–December 29
In the Middle of Everywhere: Artists on the Great Plains, Remai Modern, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 4, 2022–February 26, 2023
Water Memories, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, June 23, 2022–April 2, 2023
Water By Design, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, August 20, 2022–March 12, 2023
If the Sky Were Orange: Art in the Time of Climate Change, Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, Texas, September 9, 2023–February 11, 2024
Underneath Everything: Humility and Grandeur in Contemporary Ceramics, Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, Iowa, June 3–September 10, 2023
Indian Theater: Native Performance, Art, and Self- Determination, CCS Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, June 24–November 26, 2023
Second Skin, Art Gallery of Alberta, Alberta, Canada, September 30–December 31, 2023
Shifting Center, EMPAC: Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, Troy, New York, November 3–November 18, 2023
Reading the World, Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, August 26, 2023–January 7, 2024
The Practice is the Point, Plains Art Museum, Fargo, North Dakota, September 30, 2023–March 16, 2024
The Land Carries Our Ancestors, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., September 24, 2023– January 15, 2024
14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China, November 9, 2023–March 31, 2024
Belonging: Contemporary Native Cermics from the Southern Plains, School of Art, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, February 2–March 23, 2024
Water Pressure: Designing for the Future, MK&G, Hamburg, Germany, March 15–October 13, 2024
Whitney Biennial 2024: Even Better Than the Real Thing, Whitney Museum, New York, March 20–August 11, 2024
Groundings: Care and Climate Justice, Heimbold Visual Arts Center, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York, March 26–May 12, 2024
Future Imaginaries: Indigenous Art, Fashion, Technology, Autry Museum of the American West, Los Angeles, California, September 7, 2024–June 21, 2026
Broken Boxes: A Decade of Art, Action, and Dialogue, Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 7, 2024–March 2, 2025
Breath(e): Toward Climate and Social Justice, The Hammer Museum, University of California, Los Angeles, California, September 14, 2024–January 5, 2025
Conley Gallery, California State University, Fresno, California
Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado
Detroit Institute of Arts Museum, Detroit, Michigan
Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, Norman, Oklahoma
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Luciano Benetton Collection: Imago Mundi, Treviso, Italy
Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, New York
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Nevada Art Museum, Reno, Nevada
North America Native Museum, Zurich, Germany
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
Abeyta, Tony. Neo Native: Toward New Mythologies. Rancho Cucamonga, California: Sam and Alfred Maloof Foundation for Arts and Crafts, 2017.
Alvarez, Natalie, Claudette Lauzon, Keren Zaiontz. Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times: Performance Actions in the Americas, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Ahtone, Heather. Seeds of Being. Norman, Oklahoma: Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 2018.
Apostol, Corina. Making Another World Possible: 10 Creative Time Summits, 10 Global Issues, 100 Art Projects. New York: Routledge, 2019.
Baltimore Museum of Art. Preoccupied: Indigenizing the Museum. Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 2024.
Besaw, Mindy N., Candice Hopkin, Manuela Well-Off-Man, eds. Art for a New Understanding: Native Voices, 1950s to Now. Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of Arkansas Press, 2018.
Bossan, Enrico. Native Art, Visual Visions: Contemporary North American Indigenous Artists, Vollorba: Frabrica, 2015.
Ewing, Heather. Arrivals. Katonah, New York: Katonah Museum of Art, 2021.
Hogan, Wesley. On the Freedom Side: How Five Decades of Youth Activists Have Remixed American History. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019.
Keeler, Jacqueline. Edge of Morning: Native Voices Speak for the Bears Ears. Salt Lake City: Torrey House Press, 2017.
Kusserow Karl, Alan Braddock, and Miranda Blearde-Lewis. Nature’s Nation: American Art and Environment. Princeton: Princeton University Art Museum, 2018.
Landmark Arts, Belonging: Contemporary Native Ceramics from the Southern Plains, Lubbock, Texas: Landmark Arts in the School of Art, 2024
Lukavic, John P., ed. Each/Other: Marie Watt and Cannupa Hanska Luger. Denver: Denver Art Museum, 2021.
Morris, Kate. Shifting Grounds: Landscape in Contemporary Native American Art. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2019.
Museum of Arts and Design. Burke Prize 2018. New York: Museum of Arts and Design, 2018.
Powell, Jami. Form and Relation: Contemporary Native Ceramics. Hanover, New Hampshire: Hood Museum of Art: 2020.
Puleo, Risa. Monarchs: Native and Brown Contemporary Artists in the Path of the Butterfly. Omaha: Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, 2018.
Saito, Natsu Taylor. Settler Colonialism, Race, and the Law: Why Structural Racism Persists. New York: New York University Press, 2020.
Toland, Alexandra, Jay S. Noller, Gerd Wessolek. Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and art in the Anthropocene. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2019.
Well-Off-Man, Manuela, ed. Connective Tissue: New Approaches to Fiber in Contemporary Native Art. Santa Fe: Art Guild Press, 2017.
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Bahcetepe, Hilal. “Each/Other Debuts Indigenous, Social Engagement Exhibit At The Denver Art Museum.” 303 Magazine, May 25, 2021.
Barone, Joshua. “An Opera About Colonialism Shows How History Warps.” New York Times, February 28, 2020.
Beckwith, Spencer. “Cannupa Hanska Luger’s Vision Of Benevolence.” KUNM, July 22, 2016.
Bishop, Deborah. “Creative Disruption.” American Craft (December/January 2018): 40–49.
Carver, Jon. “Santa Fe Summer 2016: The New Indigeneity.” Art Ltd. (July/August 2016): 1–8.
Chizzik, Danielle Stein. “Breaking the Mold.” Dorado Magazine, March/April 2016: 22–23.
Cohn, Gabe. “Cannupa Hanska Luger Wins New $50,000 Arts Prize.” New York Times, November 6, 2018.
Colby, Celina. “Indigenous science fiction at Emerson College gallery.” The Bay State Banner, November 21, 2019.
Combs, Marianne. “Native American artists take back the headdress.” MPR News, March 20, 2013.
Condé, Clarke. “CONSIDERING THE SPECIES IN PERIL: Cannupa Hanska Luger on His Part in the Bigger Picture.” Alibi 28, no. 39, September 26–October 2, 2019.
Cotter, Holand. “At the Met, Protest and Poetry About Water.” New York Times, July 3, 2022.
Crow, Kelly. “America’s Art Scenes Off the Beaten Track.” Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2018.
Dana, Christina. “MNI WICONI: AN INTERVIEW WITH CANNUPA HANSKA.” Center for Civil and Human Rights Blog.
Demos, T. J. “The Great Transition: The Arts and Radical System Change.” e-flux Architecture, April 2017.
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ElGenaidi, Deena. “Artists Rethink the Tradition of Art as Resistance.” Hyperallergic, February 4, 2019.
Escudero, Nicki. “New Never Neverland.” Western Art (August 2015): 80–85.
Farber, Paul, Cannupa Hanska Luger. “How Do We Remember?” Bulletin. 2024: 50-61.
Fedderly, Eva. “Cannupa Hanska Luger Marries Craft and Modern Identity for Powerful, Multilayered Works.” Architectural Digest, November 8, 2018.
Fix Solutions Lab. “Watch: His fusion of sci-fi and Indigenous identity is art that (literally) moves.” Grist, July 29, 2021.
Green, Christopher. “As Dakota Access Pipeline Leaks, Native Artists Examine Contested Landscapes.” Hyperallergic, May 26, 2017.
Grimason, Maggie. “All Work and All Play: At Home with Artists Cannupa Hanska Luger and Ginger Dunnill.” Southwest Contemporary, August 28, 2019.
Guzmán, Alicia Inez. “Cannupa Hanska Luger.” First American Art Magazine, no. 22 (Spring 2019): 62–67.
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Hanc, John. “Illuminating the Plight of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.” New York Times, October 23, 2019.
Horton, Jessica L. “Drones and Snakes.” Art in America (October 2017): 104–109.
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Hutter, Victoria. “Outside the Box: Finding a Place for Contemporary Native-American Art.” NEA Arts, no. 2 (2016): 10–13.
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