Fredericks & Freiser and Garth Greenan Gallery are pleased to announce Pop Abstraction, a two-part group exhibition of paintings at 536 West 24th Street and 529 West 20th Street. Opening on Saturday, January 18, 2014, the exhibition includes works by twelve artists: William N. Copley, Allan D'Arcangelo, Rosalyn Drexler, Paul Feeley, Steve Gianakos, Ralph Humphrey, Alfred Jensen, Nicholas Krushenick, Jonathan Lasker, Elizabeth Murray, Carl Ostendarp, and John Wesley. Both galleries will display one example of each exhibiting artists' work.
The exhibition defines Pop Abstraction as neither a style nor movement but, rather, a shared sensibility among generations of artists, beginning during the 1960s. Artists in the exhibition embrace the visual language of Pop—bold, processed color and graphic, cartoon-like iconography—without any nostalgia or consumer critique. Pop Abstraction revels in the inherently abstract nature of cartoons, comics, and advertising; however, its content remains personal and idiosyncratic. Whereas the artists in this exhibition have been aligned with various movements—Color Field, Pop, and Postminimalism, for example—they often stand on the periphery.
The group of artists in Pop Abstraction represents a kind of “unofficial school” of painters: influential, beloved by other artists, and willfully uncategorizable.
Pop Abstraction will be on view at Fredericks & Freiser and Garth Greenan Gallery, 536 West 24th Street and 529 West 20th Street (between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues), through Saturday, February 15, 2014. The galleries are open Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. For more information, please contact Andrew Freiser at (212) 633-6555 or email info@fredericksfreisergallery.com; Garth Greenan at (212) 929-1351 or email garth@garthgreenan.com.